This sample schedule reflects choices that are suitable for students who may prefer to start with a precalculus course (Math 125) before starting the calculus sequence.  Some courses require permission of a student’s advisor and instructor when taken in this sequence.

This is just a sample and each student should discuss his or her interests with the academic adviser to choose a schedule that best meets the student’s objectives.

First Year

Fall Semester Spring Semester
Math 125 Modeling and Differential Calculus Math 161: Calculus I
Chem 107: General Chemistry I ES 231: Nature of Engineering Materials or Elective to fulfill CCS
ES 101: Introduction to Engineering Physics 131: Physics I: Mechanics
(with permission of advisor and instructor)
First-Year Seminar Elective to fulfill CCS

Second Year

Fall Semester Spring Semester
Math 162: Calculus II Math 263: Calculus III
ES 226: Statics ES 230: Strength of Materials*
Physics 133: Physics II
(with permission of advisor and instructor)
ME 240: Dynamics**
ME 210: Manufacturing & Design* ES 231: Nature of Engineering Materials or Elective to fulfill CCS
Elective  to fulfill CCS Elective  to fulfill CCS

Third Year

Fall Semester Spring Semester
Math 264: Differential Equations ME 352: Dynamics of Physical Systems & Electrical Circuits
ES 254: Engineering Thermodynamics ME 362: Fluid Mechanics
ME 355: Engineering Design ME 331: Instrumentation & Data Acquisition
Math/Science Elective Elective or ME Elective
Elective  to fulfill CCS Free Elective

Fourth Year

Fall Semester Spring Semester
ME 470: Heat Transfer ME 475: Thermal/Fluids Systems
ME 480: Control Systems & Mechatronics with Lab ME 498: Senior Design Project II
ME 497: Senior Design Project I Free Elective
Elective or ME Elective Elective or ME Elective

* Both ES230 and ME 210 may be taken in either fall or spring. Students studying abroad in the spring semester should take both in the fall semester. Students not spending a semester abroad may take either or both classes in the spring semester.

** ME 240 includes significant instruction and experience in MATLAB programming. This programming experience is a prerequisite for ME 331. Students who complete ME 240 at another institution or wish to enroll in ME 331 prior to completing ME 240 must pass a MATLAB programming proficiency test administered by the Mechanical Engineering department.